If you suffer from persistent back pain, you should start looking for a trusted back pain specialist in Hackensack to help you relieve and manage it. There are certain symptoms associated with back and neck pain that signal something more severe. If the following things are happening or have happened to you, we strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a pain treatment specialist:
- You’ve experienced severe pain after being involved in a bad fall, in a car accident, or in a similar incident.
- You are experiencing numbness, tingling, or weakness. These symptoms can indicate that you’re dealing with spinal cord compression.
- Your pain has lasted for more than 6 weeks and it seems to get worse.
- You’ve lost bowel or bladder function, which means that the nerve roots in your lower back are compressed. This condition can sometimes lead to leg paralysis, so make sure you talk to a back pain specialist as soon as possible.
- You should also see a back specialist if you have a history of immune system problems, if you’ve suffered from cancer or other severe conditions, if you’re experiencing sudden weight-loss, and if you have a high fever.
- If your back starts to hurt as soon as you put your head on the pillow although everything seemed fine during the day, you might be dealing with a sprain, disc degeneration, or a tumor. Our back pain specialists recommend against ignoring nighttime back pain, as this might be a symptom that indicates something serious.
What Back Pain Treatments Can You Get in Hackensack, NJ
Our team of dedicated back pain specialists in Hackensack focuses on offering you the latest back pain procedures. We want to help you avoid narcotics and surgery by recommending a wide range of minimally-invasive pain management solutions that are safe and effective. If you are afraid of painful procedures, you have nothing to worry about. You’ll feel minimal to no discomfort and you’ll be able to return to your daily activities immediately.
Here are some of the most effective treatment options that our back pain specialists recommend:
Lumbar Facet Injections: Also known as lumbar facet joint nerve blocks, these injections will numb the nerves of the small joints that are located in your lower back, along the side of your vertebrae. These injections are a type of numbing medicine or local anesthetic and are usually recommended if you are suffering from mechanical back pain or severe back pain caused by arthritic changes in the facet joints. Furthermore, this minimally invasive technique is helpful in finding the cause of your back pain while also being therapeutic. The facet joint injection can be used before you undergo a physical therapy routine to relieve the pain involved.
Radiofrequency neurotomy: This minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure is also referred to by back pain specialists in Hackensack as lumbar radiofrequency ablation, radiofrequency rhizotomy, or radiofrequency denervation. If you suffer from facet joint osteoarthritis that’s causing chronic low back pain, our pain specialists might recommend this treatment option. Radiofrequency ablation uses alternating current to apply a form of heat energy that is delivered to the nerve area endings through a needle. By deactivating the nerves that send pain impulses from the facet joints, this procedure will reduce and even eliminate your back pain for up to a year. Being a long-term pain relief, radiofrequency ablation is generally prescribed after you’ve tried other simpler procedures like the aforementioned Facet Joint Injections.
Lumbar Epidurals – These minimally invasive procedures, also known as epidural steroid injections or ESI, are recommended if you suffer from neck and back pain that’s caused by herniated discs or spinal stenosis. This back pain treatment consists of injecting medicine into your epidural space, which is the area between the bone and the protective sheathing of the spinal nerves. A lumbar epidural will relieve your back pain for months and even years. The main goal of this treatment is to enable you to return to your daily activities and to make the discomfort go away.
Sacroiliac Joint Injection – Also known as an SI joint injection, this minimally invasive treatment option consists of injecting a dose of anesthetic to your lower back area. Then, using X-rays and contrast dye to ensure the precision of the injection, the pain treatment specialist will deliver a pain relief injection into your sacroiliac joint. For this procedure, you will lay on your stomach, but don’t worry, our back pain specialists will ensure that you are comfortable.
COOLIEF SI Joint Cooled RF – This is a new and revolutionary treatment that uses cooling technology to deactivate the nerves in the sacroiliac joint. Compared to conventional radiofrequency ablation treatments, this minimally-invasive solution can treat a larger area without damaging adjacent tissue.
A lot of chronic back pain sufferers are afraid of getting treatment or are relying on their primary care physicians to treat their back pain. In truth, back pain specialists are the best option if you want to get rid of chronic back pain without taking narcotics and without undergoing surgery. Your primary care physician can help, but only with learning about the underlying causes of your back pain. A pain doctor, on the other hand, will take a more comprehensive approach and will prescribe effective and non-surgical minimally-invasive treatments such as the ones mentioned above. Come meet the best back pain specialists Hackensack has to offer in one of our New Jersey pain clinics. You can find us in Clifton, NJ, on Route 46 E, past the Ford dealership, in West Orange, near the Essex Country Club, and in Paramus on Route 17, near the Paramus Park Mall.