Are you Suffering from Back Pain?
Experience real relief with our minimally-invasive back pain treatments!
All of our back pain relief treatments are perfomed by Harvard trained back pain specialists in New Jersey. Pain Treatments are covered by most major medical insurances, including Medicare. Verify your insurance for Free with us.
Our Team
Backs treated
Americans experience back pain
Insurances accepted
Harvard trained doctors
Book an Appointment Today

“How I Got Back Pain Relief
Without Surgery”
Our Pain Treatment Center offers the latest minimally invasive procedures to treat your back pain. Get to know our specialists and join our thousands of happy patients.
Same day bookings available!
Meet Our Team of Back Pain Specialists
All of our Pain Doctors in New Jersey are Harvard Trained and Board Certified in Pain Management

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ
Dr. George Hanna
Dr. Hanna is a Harvard Trained back specialist in New Jersey and New York. He serves as Medical Director of Pain Management.

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ
Dr. Laura Lombardi
Dr. Lombardi is a Harvard Trained back pain treatment doctor, currently seeing patients in Clifton and West Orange, New Jersey.

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ
Dr. Shane Volney
Dr. Volney is a Harvard Trained back treatment doctor seeing patients in the NJ areas of Clifton & West Orange, and in NYC.

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ
Dr. Jeffrey Deygoo
Dr. Jeffrey Deygoo is double Board Certified in Pain Management. His pain center accepts major medical insurances and Medicare.

Dr. George Hanna

Dr.Laura Lombardi
Dr. Lombardi is a Harvard Trained back pain treatment doctor, currently seeing patients in Clifton and West Orange, New Jersey.

Dr.Shane Volney
Dr. Volney is a Harvard Trained back treatment doctor seeing patients in the NJ areas of Clifton & West Orange, and in NYC.

Dr. Jeffrey Deygoo
Dr. Jeffrey Deygoo is double Board Certified in Pain Management. His pain center accepts major medical insurances and Medicare.
Patient Stories with Back Pain Relief
These people are all volunteers who share their personal experiences with our back pain treatment doctors in New Jersey.
Our board certified doctors are specialist in minimally-invasive procedures to avoid complicated surgeries.
Carlos' Story
When biking is your passion, there is no room for pain in your life. Watch Carlos continue to achieve his goal of biking around the world.
Charina's Story
After her successful back pain treatment, Charina has been able to fully recover and go back to training daily for her body building competition 2020.
Deborah's Story
After two treatments, Deborah was able to go back to exercise her body just like before.
How to Fix Your Back Pain

We verify your insurance information for free!
Give us a call and one of our team members will help you verify your covera immediately. Make sure to have your insuarance card available!

Once verified, we will make an appointment for you
Verifying your insurance usually takes less than 24 hours. Stay tuned and have your phone near you, we will call you back as soon as we find out.

Finally, sit back and enjoy relief from your back pain
We will book your appointment at your earliest convenience.