Sciatica Specialist Reveals 5 Tips to Cope with Back Pain While Driving

June 08, 2021


Searching for a Sciatica Specialist Near You in Paramus? Read on!

Road trips are, most of the time, a reason for being enthusiastic and adventurous. Sure, you may have to answer a hundred “Are we there yet?”, but it’s still mostly fun. When you are suffering from back pain, however, road trips are a time of discomfort and begging to be there already.

When you sit in the car for prolonged hours, barely moving or switching position, you are prone to experiencing back pain. This is especially an issue when it comes to drivers, as they don’t have the leisure to make themselves as comfortable as a passenger can. If this sounds bad during a road trip, imagine driving for a living and having to deal with back pain.

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For occupational drivers, the risk of developing back pain does not only come from being in a seated position for many hours every day, but also from being exposed to whole-body vibration.

Most people experiencing back pain that is caused by driving report symptoms of sciatica or low back pain. If you are going through a similar issue and are looking to book an appointment with a sciatica specialist near you in Paramus, you have come to the right place.

The doctors at Pain Treatment Specialist are committed to helping you find the best pain management options for your condition. And, because we know that living with pain is very difficult, our specialists are here to provide advice on how to reduce the risks or manage back pain while driving.

Searching for a sciatica specialist near you in Paramus? Our Harvard-trained sciatica specialists can help you prevent and treat back pain.

1. Ensure you are comfortable from the get-go

Before you start driving, take the time to ensure you are sitting comfortably enough. The last thing you want is to enter the highway with sharp pain in your lower back. Here’s a list of what to check if you want to ensure maximum comfort and support:

  • Empty your back pockets: when you are sitting on your wallet, keys, or any other stuff you may be fitting in your back pocket, you risk throwing your spine out of alignment, especially if it happens for many hours every day.
  • Straighten your back: as much as you may want to slouch, this is bad for your back. Keep your shoulders and chin back, to make sure your head is sitting directly atop your spine. Make sure your back is pressed against the seat and consider using a small pillow or a foam roller for better lumbar support.
  • Adjust chest-steering wheel distance: it is advised you should sit with your chest at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel, but this type of advice has to do more with airbag safety than with back pain management. Adjust your chair so that your arms can comfortably reach the steering wheel, to avoid putting too much stress on the lower back.

2. Avoid bumpy rides that can harm your spine

With whole-body vibration being such a threat to the health of your back, you want to avoid any unnecessary shock your spine is about to receive. With road infrastructure being poor at times, it is up to you to make your ride as comfortable as possible.

  • Instead of riding in an SUV or pickup, consider a passenger car.
  • Used tires give out much more vibration, so consider replacing them.
  • Consider using a coccyx cushion to add an extra layer of padding.
  • Listen up for any issue that may result in vibration and get it solved before going on the road.
  • Avoid bumps in the road for both your safety and your car’s.

3. Take frequent breaks to move around

No matter how comfortable you are trying to make yourself, driving is still driving and requires sitting for multiple hours at a time. Being in a seated position for a long time can cause herniated discs, sciatica pain, nerve pain, or muscle spasms. This is why you must take breaks at least every 2 hours, especially if driving is your main activity.

If you are already dealing with back pain, you may want to take breaks every hour, to stretch and relax your back. During your breaks, your goal should be to move around, stretch, and avoid sitting down. You are going to be doing a lot of that when you get back in the car. If you are riding with friends or family, consider asking for a back massage – you are the one that’s taking them to the destination, after all!

4. Try “on-the-go” heat therapy

Heat and cold therapy are known to be very effective in dealing with back pain. Thanks to technology, drivers can now try heat therapy without the need to even get out of the car – using heated seats. The heat helps relax the muscles and also increases blood flow, which can help tremendously with back spasms. Some use their heated seats even during the summer to help them get rid of the pain.

If your car is not equipped with heated seats, you can easily use a heated seat cover or a heated pad and place it on your seat. It does the job just dine and it’s not too expensive either.

5. Take advantage of cruise control

Any back doctor will tell you this: if you have cruise control, use it whenever possible. It will help you relax by being able to put your feet firmly on the floor to distribute your weight evenly and give your back a chance to rest.

The cruise control technology is getting better and better, not only making driving a less demanding activity but also allowing people with back pain to manage their symptoms.

Back pain, or any type of pain for that matter, is not always fun and it can easily ruin your road trip. Fortunately, most people are able to recover using minimally invasive treatment. For this to happen, you need to see a pain specialist as soon as the pain starts growing in intensity or extending to other body parts. These are some of the common symptoms of a pinched nerve, which needs to be treated fast to prevent nerve damage.

Schedule an appointment with Dr Laura Lombardi, Dr George Hanna, and Dr Shane Volney, our sciatica specialists in Paramus, just off NJ-17, near the Paramus Park Mall and the Garden State Plaza Mall, and let them help you live a pain-free life.

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Scheduling a consultation with one of our pain treatment specialists is one of the best ways to determine the proper solution for pain relief.

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Meet Our Team of Back Pain Specialists

All of our Pain Doctors in New Jersey are Harvard Trained and Board Certified in Pain Management

Dr. George Hanna - Back Pain Treatment Specialist in NJ

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ

Dr. George Hanna

Dr. Hanna is a Harvard Trained back specialist in New Jersey and New York.  He serves as Medical Director of Pain Management.

Dr. Lombardi - Back pain treatment specialist NJ

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ

Dr. Laura Lombardi

Dr. Lombardi is a Harvard Trained back pain treatment doctor, currently seeing patients in Clifton and West Orange, New Jersey.

Dr. Shane Volney - Back Pain Doctor NJ

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ

Dr. Shane Volney

Dr. Volney is a Harvard Trained back treatment doctor seeing patients in the NJ areas of Clifton & West Orange, and in NYC.

Dr M Circle Thumb

Back Pain Doctor Clifton & West Orange NJ

Dr. Michael Nguyen

Dr. Nguyen is Harvard Trained and Board Certified in Pain Management. His pain center accepts major medical insurances and Medicare.

Dr. Hanna

Dr. George Hanna

Dr. Hanna is a Harvard Trained back specialist in New Jersey and New York.  He serves as Medical Director of Pain Management.
Dr. Hanna

Dr. Laura Lombardi

Dr. Lombardi is a Harvard Trained back pain treatment doctor, currently seeing patients in Clifton and West Orange, and Paramus New Jersey.

Dr. Hanna

Dr. Shane Volney

Dr. Volney is a Harvard Trained back treatment doctor seeing patients in the NJ areas of Clifton & West Orange, and in NYC.

Dr. Hanna

Dr. Michael Nguyen

Dr. Nguyen is Harvard Trained and Board Certified in Pain Management. His pain center accepts major medical insurances and Medicare.